10 features that a SASE solution should offer

The concept of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) has established itself as a central technology that makes modern corporate networks more secure and efficient. SASE combines network and security functions in an integrated architecture that is specifically designed to meet the challenges of decentralised IT environments.

Todays, we look at the 10 fundamental features of a SASE solution that are essential for the operation of modern networks.



1. Integrated architecture: always think network and security together

One of the most important features of SASE is its integrated architecture, which combines network and security functions in a single platform. Traditionally, network management and security solutions have been considered separately, which could lead to a fragmented IT infrastructure. SASE overcomes this separation by combining network connectivity and security policies into a single, cloud-based solution.

This integrated architecture enables organisations to increase their network efficiency while improving security. By tightly integrating network and security functions, threats can be detected and mitigated faster while network traffic is optimised.

2. Global, cloud-based backbone network with points of presence (PoPs)

The backbone of a SASE solution is a global, cloud-based backbone network that is accessible around the world via so-called Points of Presence (PoPs). These PoPs serve as entry points for sites, remote users and devices into the SASE network. They provide a direct, secure connection to the SASE service and ensure high availability and low latency.

Another important feature of these PoPs is the integration of SD-WAN functions. SD-WAN optimises data traffic and enables different connection types to be used efficiently. By combining this with a global backbone network, companies can significantly improve the performance and resilience of their networks.

3. Standardised management via CMA and platform API

A SASE solution is managed via a centralised management application (CMA) and a platform API, which enable unified management of network and security functions. This includes the configuration of security policies, the monitoring of data traffic and the management of user access. The platform API also enables the seamless integration of SASE into existing IT ecosystems, which increases the flexibility and customisability of the solution. This significantly reduces complexity and simplifies administration.

4. Built-in self-healing: automatic fault detection and mitigation

Modern networks need to be able to repair themselves in order to minimise downtime and maximise network availability. A SASE solution offers integrated ‘self-healing’ functions that can automatically detect and rectify faults in the network. This automatic fault detection and mitigation is based on advanced algorithms and machine learning technologies that analyse network data and identify anomalies in real time. Once a problem is detected, the system automatically takes action to resolve the issue before a major outage occurs. This increases the reliability of the network and reduces the need for manual intervention.

5. Identity focus: Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

In a SASE solution, the identity of the user is at the centre of the security strategy. The zero-trust approach (ZTNA) assumes that no user, device or service is trustworthy by default - a key aspect, especially in view of the increasing number of users who access remotely and use different devices. Each access request is individually verified based on the user's identity, device status and other contextual information. Based on this approach, SASE enables granular control of access to resources, ensuring that only authorised users can access the data and applications released to them.

6. Next-generation security

SASE integrates next-generation security technologies that ensure protection for all users, devices and applications, regardless of where they are located. Key edge security features include:

- Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS): A cloud-based firewall that monitors all network traffic and blocks unwanted activity.
- Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB): A security service that monitors and protects access to cloud services

- Secure Web Gateway (SWG): A filter that analyses web traffic for threats and blocks access to dangerous websites.

7. Data protection and threat prevention in real time

The security of data in transit is a central component of every SASE solution. SASE offers comprehensive data protection functions, including encryption of data traffic using IPSec and TLS. In addition, Network Access Control (NAC) ensures that only authorised devices have access to the network.

Real-time threat prevention is another key component of SASE. By utilising technologies such as Sandboxing, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) and Advanced Detection and Response (XDR), SASE can proactively detect and defend against threats before they can cause damage. These functions work hand in hand to continuously monitor and improve the security posture of the corporate network.

8. Dynamic, intelligent traffic management

Another key feature of a SASE solution is dynamic traffic management, which intelligently controls traffic to optimise network performance. It is based on algorithms that analyse and optimise network traffic in real time. Based on current network conditions such as latency, bandwidth and utilisation, a dynamic adjustment is made to meet the requirements of business-critical applications at all times.

9. Local data processing and optimised routing

To further increase network performance, SASE enables local data processing whenever possible. By processing data close to its source, latency is reduced and network efficiency is increased. This is particularly important for latency-sensitive applications such as video and voice services. In addition, SASE optimises routing by automatically directing data traffic via the best available paths. This not only ensures fast and reliable data transmission, but also improves security by avoiding potentially insecure networks.

10. Multi-cloud connectivity

In a world where many organisations are pursuing a multi-cloud strategy, the ability of a SASE solution to provide seamless connectivity between different cloud providers is critical. SASE enables the integration of public cloud services such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud via secure, redundant IPsec tunnels. This multi-cloud connectivity optimises the routing of cloud traffic and reduces reliance on expensive direct connect services. It also ensures that all traffic is protected by the security features of the SASE solution, regardless of which cloud platform is used.


A SASE solution offers a wide range of features and functions for optimised, secure operation of modern company networks. By combining network and security functions in an integrated, cloud-based architecture, SASE enables an efficient and future-proof IT infrastructure that is easy to manage and avoids some of the traditional overheads with automated and intelligent functions.

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